Delivery Options and Information
Same Day Dispatch
Your items will be dispatched on the same working day your order is made when ordered before 3:00PM UK time. Orders made after this time will be dispatched the following working day.
Items ordered on Saturday, Sunday and UK Bank Holidays will be dispatched on the following working day.
Same day dispatch is subject to stock availability. If stock is not available for same day dispatch from us or our suppliers, we will inform you when you have made your order.
Free UK Delivery
over £15
Items will be delivered via Royal Mail Tracked 24®.
Free delivery is available for UK orders (including Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands) over £15 (incl. VAT)
Royal Mail aims to deliver Tracked 24 orders the next working day, but delivery may take longer for certain parts of the UK, including but not limited to the following postcodes:
- HS
- ZE
- JE
- GY
- IM
- KW15
- PA20
- PA28-PA38
- PA41-PA49
- PA60– PA78
- PA80
- PH30
- PH41
- PH43
- TR21-25
- KA27
- KW16-17
- PH42
- PH44